Does the NFL Violate the Sabbath? Priest Explains If Sports Are Okay on Sundays

 Are sports okay on Sunday?

In this episode of "Ask a Marian," Father Chris Alar, MIC, answered the viewer's question: “Father, what is the Catholic Church teaching about sports? My neighbor said the NFL violates the Sabbath and therefore it is sinful to watch games on Sunday. Is this true?”

Father Chris begins by noting the importance of how an individual views sports, saying,

“If sports to us are just a casual way to relax or enjoy the company of others over a good meal after the proper worship of God and fulfillment of our duties are done, it can be a positive thing.”

However, he also warns of sports becoming an idol keeping us from Sunday Mass, in which case it becomes a problem.

What does the Catholic Church say about Sports?

Father Chris explains that in the writings of Saint Augustine, Saint John Paul II, and even Saint Paul, we can find references that reflect the Church’s position on sports.

More specifically, the belief that sportsman-like discipline is important in cultivating virtue, and that, like athletes, we must train our souls on our journey to heaven.

Father Chris notes that the king virtues of charity and humility learned in team sports are also of great importance. He also mentions his personal experience of learning valuable life skills throughout his high school athletic career.

Then, Father Chris points to the Vatican document, “‘Giving the best of yourself: a Document on the Christian perspective on sport and the human person, from the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life.”

The document explains more about what the Church says regarding the value of sports and how it benefits Christians, especially how we understand our vocation as children of God. However, the document also acknowledges the risk of sports being an occasion to “divide a family and to diminish the sanctity of Sunday as a holy day to uphold.”

Lastly, Father Chris Alar points out a part of the document that encourages priests to be knowledgeable about contemporary sports, “especially as they affect the youth.”

The Bottom Line

As with most joys in life, it must be rightly ordered!

If your interest or relationship with sports causes you to sin, it’s time to reevaluate their role in your life. If you prioritize watching the big game on Sunday instead of participating in the Holy Mass, it’s a serious soul-threatening problem, too. 

Otherwise, sports on Sunday are not off-limits or sinful! In fact, they could be a powerful tool in your spiritual tool kit.

You can find a list of patron saints for athletes here.

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