Is Pope Francis preparing to resign?

The renovation of a medical facility near the Basilica of St. Mary Major has raised questions about Francis’ intentions. Is he preparing for his final days?

In a television interview on December 13, 2013, Francis said: “This place is ready, I want to be buried here.” A tomb has since been established there, near his beloved statue of Our Lady Salus Populi Romani. But will he wait until he dies to be near the statue? A recent indication suggests that he is gradually preparing to be near the basilica.

It all started in March, when the Vatican was renovating the Basilica of St. Mary Major. Francis assigned Lithuanian Auxiliary Archbishop Rolandas Makrickas to the task. He “freed” the canons from all the economic and administrative burdens. Finally, he ended the privileged status of the canons, who were not allowed to rent apartments on the basilica grounds to family and friends.

House renovations “in the most closely guarded secret”

On July 11, sources in the Vatican and Rome said the apartment was ready. A few days earlier, the newspaper Lo Speciale confirmed that the apartment adjacent to the basilica, fully equipped with medical equipment, had been completed in early summer.

Is this apartment for Francis? Nothing official, but the news only revived rumors that he might resign. In December 2022, he said in an interview that he had sent a letter of resignation to the Secretariat of State in case he had serious health problems that would make him unable to carry out his duties. Francis’ health has been a delicate issue since the beginning of his pontificate. In 2023, he was hospitalized three times. Earlier this year, he explained: “I could die tomorrow, everything is prepared, but I am in good health.”

“If I am still alive after my resignation…”

However, the resignation was put aside by himself after a period of doubt. In 2023, he explained: “The resignation of the pope must not become ‘fashionable’ but normal. I think the ministry of the pope is for life, ad vitam. I see no reason why it should not be so. Historical tradition is important.” In 2024, he ruled out the resignation in his autobiography, Viva, published in 2024.

In 2022, he said he would not resign: “After my resignation, if I am still alive, I will hear confessions and visit the sick.” He also said he would not keep the title of emeritus pope, preferring to be called emeritus bishop of Rome.

A project could be carried out at the Basilica of St. Mary Major, where the mysterious apartment has just been built. Will he come here on August 5 to attend the festival of the “miracles of the snow” and possibly visit his future residence?

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Today, on the feast of St. Joseph, March 19, 2013, Pope Francis will celebrate Mass to inaugurate his pontificate. On this occasion, we would like to send you a biography of the 266th Pope of the Catholic Church. He is the first Pope from the New World, and also the first Pope from the Jesuit order.

Early Life

Pope Francis was born Jorge Mario Bergoglio on December 17, 1936, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, to an Italian immigrant family of five children. His father, Maria Jose Bergoglio, a railway worker, and his mother, Regina Maria Sivori, a housewife. At the age of 20, after surgery for a respiratory infection, he was left with only one lung. Although he had received a master's degree in chemistry, he decided not to pursue this profession and wanted to become a priest.

Jesuit Priest

After studying at the Villa Devoto Seminary, he entered the Jesuit novitiate in Cordoba on 11 March 1958 and made his first profession in the Society two years later – on 12 March 1960. Bergoglio then studied humanities and philosophy, and completed his bachelor’s degree in philosophy at the Maximo San José University in San Miguel in 1963. Following his philosophy studies, Bergoglio undertook two years of apostolic internship at the Inmaculada College in Santa Fe and the Salvador College in Buenos Aires, where he taught literature and psychology. After his apostolic internship, he studied Theology at the San Miguel Seminary from 1967 to 1970. After completing his theological studies, Bergoglio was ordained a priest by Archbishop José Ramón Castellano on December 13, 1969. After his ordination, also following the training program of the Order, Father Bergoglio did his third-year novitiate in Spain from 1970 to 1971 before making his solemn profession on April 22, 1973. After completing his third-year novitiate program, from 1971 to 1973, Father Bergoglio was appointed Director of Novices, during which time he was also a professor of theology at the Maximo Institute. In 1972, he was also appointed advisor to the Argentine Jesuit province. With his reputation for leadership, the young priest Bergoglio was appointed by the Superior General.

The Jesuits appointed him provincial at the age of 36. He held this position for six years, from 1973 to 1979. Then, in 1980, Fr. Bergoglio became rector of the San Miguel seminary, where he had been trained. Fr. Bergoglio served in that capacity until 1986 before moving to Germany to continue his theological studies. Fr. Bergoglio then returned to his homeland to serve as confessor and spiritual director in Córdoba.

Bishop and Cardinal

After an active period as a priest and professor of theology, on 27 June 1992, Fr. Bergoglio was appointed coadjutor archbishop of Buenos Aires with the right of succession, with the titular see of Auca. On 28 February 1998, he succeeded Cardinal Quarracino as Archbishop of Buenos Aires on 28 February 1998. As Archbishop, he also served as President of the Argentine Bishops' Conference for two terms from 8 November 2005 to 8 November 2011. He is also a member of the Latin American Bishops' Conference and Ordinary for Eastern Catholics in Argentina. During the 10th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in October 2001, he was appointed Relator General.

In a consistory held on 21 February 2001, Pope John Paul II created him Cardinal with the titular see of Robert Bellarmino. As Cardinal, he was also appointed to several positions in the Roman Curia, including the Congregation for the Clergy, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life. He was also a member of the Latin American Commission and the Council for the Family.

Cardinal Bergoglio was known for his humility, his strong defense of Church doctrine, and his commitment to social justice. As Archbishop of Buenos Aires, he was known for his closeness to the people. The bishop was often seen traveling by bus among his flock. He often visited the poor and especially the sick. Despite being a Cardinal, he lived in a small house, not in the bishop’s palatial residence, and cooked his own meals. To many in Buenos Aires, he was simply called “Father Jorge.” As Archbishop, he told the bishops: “Jesus teaches us in another way: go out and bear witness, go out and be close to our brothers and sisters, go out and share… Be the word in body and in spirit”. He did not just advise with words, he himself acted and gave an example to his brother priests. Indeed, after receiving the cardinal’s habit, on Holy Thursday 2001, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio kissed and washed the feet of 12 people infected with HIV. As a pastor, he strongly defended the doctrine of the Church, especially on moral and pro-life issues. He publicly condemned homosexual marriage, abortion and artificial contraception on many occasions. In 2010, when Argentina became the first South American country to pass a law recognizing same-sex marriage, the Cardinal encouraged priests nationwide to call on Catholics to oppose the law because it would seriously damage the meaning of family life. He had also criticized a bill allowing abortion in 2006. As a priest, the Cardinal was known for his leadership. As a bishop and cardinal, he established new parishes, reorganized administrative offices, directed pro-life initiatives and started new pastoral programs, such as the creation of a commission for divorced people.

Cardinal Bergoglio was also very interested in interreligious dialogue. As archbishop, he was interested in dialogue with Judaism. He and Rabbi Abraham Skorka co-authored Sobre el cielo y la tierra (On Heaven and Earth).

Pope Francis

After the death of Blessed Pope John Paul II, Cardinal Bergoglio was widely considered a leading candidate for the papacy in 2005. He was Cardinal Camerlengo, who together with the College of Cardinals governed the Holy See and the Roman Catholic Church during the vacancy of the see in 2005. Cardinal Bergoglio was elected Pope on March 13, 2013, on the second day of the 2013 Conclave. He is the 266th Pope of the Catholic Church. He is the first Pope from the New World, the first from the Society of Jesus, and the first Pope to take the name Francis.

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