The unfortunate nun's final prophecy was made more than 500 years ago

Sister Shipton's life was a series of misfortunes and loneliness. Although she has some strange abilities and always helps people, they also make many people fear and stay away from her. In the end, she tragically died in a fire. However, during the years she was alive, she left behind many prophecies about the end of humanity.

The Legend of Sister Shipton

The small town of Knaresborough is located next to the city of York (England), as beautiful as a painting with small bridges and fast-flowing water. Inside the village of Ursula in Knaresborough, there is a lonely cave connected to a mysterious ancient well, its shape resembling the face of a giant. It is rumored that well water has a strange power that can turn anything into stone.

In 1488, from this cave, Shipton was born. A strange coincidence, on the day the baby cried for life, a strong wind suddenly blew fiercely, thunder and lightning rumbled, the sky was pitch black with clouds as thick as if they were about to collapse, accompanied by heavy rains. pour water. Legend has it that Shipton did not cry like a normal child but laughed loudly, her laughter was so loud that it seemed to scare the God of Thunder - the God of Lightning. After the rain stopped, the clear blue sky lit up with sunshine, and people saw the colorful colors of the rainbow again.

Shipton's mother, Agatha Soothtale, was an orphan only 15 years old, no one knew where Shipton's father was. Shipton and his mother lived side by side in a cave, hungry and cold for two years. Luckily, the rector of nearby Beverley Abbey found them, due to difficulties, so while Agatha spent the rest of her life at a convent, Shipton was sent to another family to be raised. nourishment.

From birth, Shipton did not seem to have any indication that her life would be like that of a normal person; Even when she turned two, she was enough to make others feel scared.

One day, the adoptive mother went out on urgent business. When she returned, she saw that the front door had just been locked and was wide open. She became suspicious and rushed into the house to find only the empty crib, while Shipton was nowhere to be seen. . At that time, the whole family was frantically searching. Then, the adoptive mother accidentally raised her head to the ceiling. She panicked when she saw Shipton hanging on the iron hook used to hang the pot.

It is said that from a young age, Shipton had extraordinary abilities, such as telepathy and divination. Although well cared for, Shipton is still very ugly and unremarkable. The girl had a snub nose, bulging eyes, and bent legs, so from a young age she was taunted and bullied by other children, thinking she was the devil's daughter. Therefore, Shipton spent most of her childhood in the cave - where she was born, and mingled with green trees and flowers.

As Shipton grew older, she became more knowledgeable about plants and herbs, and gradually became a local herbalist, while at the same time, her psychic and divination abilities also improved and developed. She expanded her social contacts in her day job and at the age of 24, she married Toby Shipton, a local carpenter. From then on, she carried her husband's surname and was honored by posterity as Sister Shipton.

However, the people of the small town were shocked by their union. Everyone met each other and whispered: "This stupid carpenter must have fallen under her magic to risk marrying her." Such an ugly wife." Of course many people were afraid of Shipton, but she didn't care much and focused on using her powers to help people around her.

But after only two years of marriage, Shipton's husband passed away, and neither of them had any children. People in the town started talking again: "Shipton is definitely responsible for her husband's death." Faced with the pain of losing her husband and the fear of the townspeople, Shipton once again moved back to the cave where she was born.

There, she continued her daily work, casting fortunes for people and researching and developing medicinal herbs. Gradually, Shipton's reputation grew, not only in her homeland, but also in England, many people thousands of miles away also came to her.

Sister Shipton's prophecy

Over time, Shipton became more and more bold, saying that she could actually see the future. Her predictions can range from small to large. She can tell everything from each person's future to the overall fate of an entire area as large as a town, even larger, she can see the fate of the King, major events in the world, the future of humanity and of course her own destiny. Sister Shipton once said: "I will burn to death under a tree, my body will be scorched, but my soul will be freed."

Sister Shipton's prophecy finally came true as she had predicted. In England in the 16th century, people feared the existence of witches, so there was a movement to hunt witches. Because Sister Shipton revealed so many secrets and performed many miracles, many people at that time also considered her a witch. In 1561, Sister Shipton tragically died in a fierce fire.

Before her death, Sister Shipton left behind many prophetic poems. Many of them are said to talk about the last period of humanity. People have verified and found that there are things she predicted a long time ago, just because of the relatively difficult to understand language used. On the one hand, it was due to language limitations, as well as modern nouns that had not yet appeared at that time, and on the other hand, it was also in accordance with the requirement of not revealing heavenly secrets too clearly.

It's amazing how everything in modern society is pre-arranged!

Here are some of the things Sister Shipton predicted/saw:

“The world will turn upside down.”

"A carriage can run on its own without a horse."

=> Car.

"In the future, human thoughts will fly as fast as the blink of an eye."

=> Internet?

“Everyone will ride on something like a tower, with no horses or donkeys nearby for motivation.”

=> Elevator?

“Underwater, people can walk, sleep and talk.”

=> Submarine?

“You will see aerial people, white people, black people and even blue people.”

=> “People in the air” can refer to pilots and airplanes; But who is “the green man”? Is Sister Shipton referring to aliens or “lizard people” like some conspiracy theories in today's society?

“This wonderful era will soon end.”

“Steel will also float, like a small boat made of wood.”

=> Modern boats.

“In the distant future, women will accept crazy ideas, they will dress like men, even wearing long pants and letting their hair down.”

“They will ride on the bronze slopes, like witches on brooms.”

=> “Bronze ridge” is probably meant to describe a motorbike.

“Someone sat on the roaring beast, as if wanting to eat the lush crops.”

=> Modern agricultural machinery and equipment.

“Love will die, marriage will end, and the decline of the nation will be due to the decline of the newborn.”

“Women will pet pets like dogs and cats, while men will become like boars.”

=> The first part is quite easy to understand, but "men will become like boars" is quite difficult to explain.

“The house will be covered with steel.”

=> Is it referring to today's buildings?

“The painting seems to move.”

=> Movies.

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