A soldier tells about the experience of the death and the instructions from the Lord

A soldier tells about the experience of the death and the instructions from the Lord

Due to a mistake during surgery, a soldier was clinically dead for 20 minutes. During that time, he said he went to Heaven and met God. This precious near-death experience completely transformed his outlook on life, making him realize that being kind and caring for others is the most important thing in this life.

Scott Drummond was a talented athlete who was drafted into the Army in 1971. While his colleagues had to go to Vietnam and die there, he was luckier because he was able to stay on the front lines to play football. for the army in Germany.

He had a near-death experience while skiing at the age of 28, when he said he went to Heaven and met God.

He didn't talk about his experience for 40 years, and then he finally shared it with the hope of bringing hope to people during difficult times.

Drummond is currently 68 years old and lives in Provo, Utah. Many years ago, he had an accident on a mountainside. Drummond said that after removing the glove, he saw that his thumb was dislocated and dangling from his skin. He called his wife and was taken to the hospital. It was here that a medical error occurred that brought him close to death.

Mr. Drummond told The Epoch Times : “I was taken to the operating table and the doctors were planning the surgery. At that time, a nurse and a doctor placed surgical towels on me and my thumb. An anesthesiologist was scheduled to give me anesthesia, but he was called away in another emergency."

(Courtesy of Scott Drummond)
(Courtesy of Scott Drummond)

An experienced nurse, but who had never performed a Bier block (using a tourniquet to adjust local anesthesia during surgery), made a mistake while the doctor was operating on him. By then, the drug had traveled up Drummond's arm and into his heart.

“The medicine they ordered for local people was lidocaine, and I later found out I was allergic to lidocaine,” he said. That's one of the reasons why I was so close to death. Something happened. I was immediately lifted out of my body and stood there looking at my body. I was observing all this from above, looked down and saw my body lying on the table” .

The nurse ran out of the room in panic, screaming that she had killed Drummond. Medical staff began working to save his life. At that time the doctor was still continuing to operate on his thumb - all of which Drummond clearly saw, and he left his body.. He heard a message in his head: “It's time have to go" .

“Someone was standing right next to me,” Drummond recalls. I can't see him but I can communicate with him through my mind. He talked to me and I didn't talk to him. And then, I was standing in a beautiful field with waist-high grass… This grass was facing me, and in my mind I felt love coming from this field of grass . ”

(Illustration - Nazarenko LLC / Shutterstock)
(Illustration - Nazarenko LLC / Shutterstock)

Drummond heard a message in his mind that he could not look back, a message that still resonates in his mind to this day.

“I left,” he said. I'm dead. And I kept moving again. I can see this world and the next world. I can look ahead but I am not allowed to look back. On the far left were tall trees and it was a forest. Those were trees I had never seen before until about three years ago when I went to the Olympic forest in Washington. …The next thing I noticed was the color; the colors are very vibrant. I have never seen such colors before. We tend to see things in 3D while on Earth; but when you're there you magnify it by 10 and that's the color of the leaves on the tree. They are a vibrant green."

Between Drummond and the trees was a field of wildflowers that reached up to his waist.

“ What's unique about these wildflowers is that they're all facing me,” Drummond emphasized. I feel connected to those flowers because of my love of flowers. … I think it's a very calming feeling. And then at that moment, in front of me there was a cloud but it was a brilliant pearl white color .

At that moment, Drummond saw his own life unfold like a video, from when he was 8 years old until he was 20 years old.

(Hình minh họa - IgorKR, Deliris / Shutterstock)
(Hình minh họa - IgorKR, Deliris / Shutterstock)

“I saw everything,” he explained. It doesn't look like a video. It was all done in my head, in my mind. I was living it again. I saw my family; I see the sacrifices my parents made for me. I see myself in every sporting event and all other events in life. It was all done with absolute love" .

He especially emphasized that these experiences were vividly relived. There is only “black or white”, “good or evil”, nothing in between, no gray area.

“Right or wrong, good or bad. And there was no one there for me to justify my views on anything. In my life until adulthood, I wasn't really on track. Playing professional sports and playing team sports, you have to do everything to get ahead. And some of that was not true. Even in the business world, to get ahead a lot of times you have to step on others, and then I realized that what I was doing wasn't right."

Then Drummond turned back before the cloud, and walked towards it. And a hand reached out from it.

“That hand was not something I had ever seen before because it was so pure and I couldn't determine what color it was,” he said . It's so pure. I looked at that arm very carefully… His forearm was bigger than mine. And I noticed, from the way his arm came through the clouds, that I thought he was a little taller than me . ”

“Then I looked at that hand and realized that his hand was very solid. It appeared to be someone who worked in construction, or was a farmer, or maybe a carpenter. He is someone who often uses his hands…They are very strong . ”

Drummond now says that he believes that the man was in fact God, and that He told him, “This is not the time to leave. I still have a lot of work to do . " To this day, Drummond continues to hear that message every day.

“And the next thing I knew, I was brought back into my body,” he said. I'm lying on a stretcher. I'm being pushed out of the room. A fierce battle was going on inside me, because I didn't want to go back. I have never felt such love and peace in my life . "

Drummond was said to have been clinically dead for 20 minutes. Now he realizes that he has been given another chance to live, a new chance starting from here.

He said during the interview: "The reason I was brought back was because I was too selfish in life. I didn't learn how to be kind to others and treat people with respect the way I should. One thing that I probably regret the most is that I never told my wife how much I loved her. Before going into surgery, all I did was say, 'See you later,' and I had no idea that I might be gone."

Since his brush with death and that heavenly encounter, Drummond has learned to be kind and considerate of others. Instead of focusing on himself, he likes to help people by helping them progress in their careers.

“The lessons I learned were very valuable,” he said. And it doesn't happen overnight. … That's something I've had to learn for over 40 years, because I want to have a better version when I come back next time . ”


Theo The Epoch Times