Film on miracles intends to explain the inexplicable

Film on miracles intends to explain the inexplicable


For both skeptics and believers, miracles have captivated people's attention for thousands of years.

That same intrigue led St. Anthony Communications to produce their latest film, 'Miracles.'

The 35-minute documentary is the first of a four-part series on Special Divine Action, hosted by Fr. Andrew Pinsent and Fr. Marcus Holden.

It aims to answer "what miracles are, how people can know they are real and true, and what their purpose is," Christian Holden, managing director of St. Anthony Communications, told CNA.

"Miracles are central to the Christian faith," Holden explained.

He hopes the film reminds people that Christianity is based upon a miracle – Jesus' resurrection.

"Without that miracle of miracles," he said, "Christianity ceases to exits as a religion."

A wide range of "ancient and contemporary" miracles is highlighted in the documentary.

"The film begins by defining what a miracle is, then moves on to objections that people might have," Holden said.

From there, miracles in the Old Testament, the life of Christ, and the lives of the saints are covered.

More modern miracles such as Marian apparitions, Eucharistic miracles like the bleeding Host in Lanciano, Italy, and those yet to be approved are all discussed in the latter half of the film. Scientific, theological, and philosophical commentary provides viewers with a strong analysis of each event.

This approach, Holden said, allows for people to see the need to be cautious with miracles and remember that they are meant for more than entertainment.  

"They have an end purpose of leading us toward our salvation, leading us closer to God."

Holden said the film is also "suitable for a wide ranging audience." Churches can use it for catechesis and evangelization. It can be shared with family and friends. Believers can watch it to strengthen their faith. And for those who are nonbelievers and have doubts, Holden said the film could challenge them as well.

"It may be a spark to reignite their faith," he added.  

The Marian apparition in Fatima, mentioned in the film, celebrates its centenary next year. Holden said this coincidence was not planned but the film may also go along with preparing for the big anniversary.

According to Holden, unlike other films by St. Anthony Communications, 'Miracles' proved more difficult to complete. Finding the right high-resolution imagery and meeting the needs of other projects prolonged the process, which started in 2014.

But he said with all the miracles covered and imagery added, "Hopefully we give people a taste of the events that miracles are real. They do and have happened."

The DVD is available online at saintant.com.

This article was originally published on CNA July 17, 2016.