A loving prayer addressed to Mary by a Vietnamese cardinal from prison

It was thanks to his love for the Blessed Virgin Mary that Cardinal Van Thuan managed to survive the tragedy of prison and faithfully stand by Christ for 13 years behind bars.

Originally from Vietnam, Cardinal François Xavier Nguyễn Văn Thuận  was imprisoned on August 15, 1975, precisely on the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, shortly after receiving from Pope St. Paul VI's nomination as Coadjutor Bishop of Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon). At that time, Vietnam was ruled by communists, and by the decision of the new authorities, the cardinal was sentenced to 13 years of slavery.

In his book "Five Loaves and Two Fishes", he tells how the Virgin Mary helped him to overcome the many adversities he experienced throughout his long life. The priest confesses, like Saint John Vianney, that she was "his first love", adding that this feeling was born in his heart thanks to his mother. He owed his vocation to his grandmother, who, as an illiterate woman, prayed the whole family and always prayed the rosary for priests.

It is from this source that the following prayer comes:

Mary, my mother

Mary, my mother, mother of Jesus and our mother.

Striving for an even greater union with Jesus and all people - my brothers, I want to address you: Our Mother.

Come to me with Jesus, your beloved Son, and live in me this call to complete renewal, in silence and vigil, in prayer and sacrifice, in communion with the Church and the Holy Trinity, in the joyful spirit of your Magnificat, in union with Joseph, Your holy Spouse, in your humble and loving endeavor to fulfill the testament of Jesus, in your love for Jesus and Joseph, for the Church and for humanity, in your unyielding faith in the midst of so many adversities for the Kingdom, in your hope - which works uninterruptedly - to build a new world full of justice, peace, happiness and true tenderness, in the perfection of your virtues, in the Holy Spirit, that I may become a witness of the Good News, an apostle of the Gospel.

Mother, let your action be constantly visible in my prayer, love and sacrifice; continue to fulfill the will of the Father in me, remaining the Mother of humanity. Relive in me again and again the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus. O Mother, I entrust myself to you, I give you everything now and forever. Living in your spirit and that of Saint Joseph, I will live in the Spirit of Jesus, with Jesus, Joseph, angels, saints and all souls. I love you, our Mother, and I will share with you the hardships and cares and fight by your side for the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus. Amen!

Prayer in solitude in Hanoi (North Vietnam), January 1, 1986, Solemnity of the Holy Mother of God

Awaiting his beatification

On May 4, 2017, Pope Francis approved the decree on the heroic virtues of Cardinal Van Thuân, who died of cancer in September 2002, declaring him a Servant of God. For the next stage of beatification, a miracle is needed through his intercession.


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