Near-death blind American boy sees God and future events

Near-death blind American boy sees God and future events

An American man calling himself Bobby says he stopped breathing as a child due to an asthma attack and died once. He met God during his "death" and saw what would happen in the future in his own life. Interestingly, he was born blind but saw perfectly well in his near-death experience.

Bobby shared the near-death experience on the website of the Near Death Experience Research Foundation (Near Death Experience Research Foundation), but did not give a specific time.

Bobby wrote that he was born blind. By age 4, he could only see about 12 inches (30 cm) ahead and the rest was a blur.

He was taken to the hospital for a severe asthma attack. Each breath was like a burning blade through his lungs and throat. While lying on the examination table, he stopped breathing. All pain disappeared immediately. He immediately found himself in a large place.

He described that the place was filled with white light that couldn't be seen from the earth, seemingly ever-expanding. He saw God standing near him in the form of light. He felt God was like a towering tower of strength, radiating only warmth and love.

God said to him, "Bobby, I'm sorry for the pain this encounter has caused you. When I created the universe, I set rules and limits." This is the second time you come here, so you will miss more and hurt more.

Bobby mentioned that he had his first near-death experience when he was 2 years old, but his memories are hazy.

He went on to say that as soon as the word of God was spoken, he glimpsed his entire life and felt pride, love, joy and sorrow, all of which came to him. The dialogue between God and him lasted only a minute or two at most, but he felt it was infinitely long.

He remembers seeing a white light, like an extension of God. It stores all of life's moments and allows anyone to glance at it. He calls it the "Book of Fate," and it contains the past, present, and future.

He says he has seen himself live a total of 128 years in the world. He had seen pictures of his mother's death, and his father died a few years after his mother's death. He watched his sister reel from sexual abuse in her 20s. He also saw him build a family and found him lying on his hospital bed with his children and grandchildren by his side. At that time, he thought: "It's finally over".

Also, he sees people reading his books and teaching their children under his guidance. Thousands of people have interacted with him and been influenced by him.

As he was growing up and writing about his near-death experience, his sister, who had been sexually assaulted several years earlier, became pregnant and subsequently miscarried. His mother is at the end of her life with Alzheimer's disease and dementia. In addition to preparing for his mother's funeral, his father is also looking for a nursing home for himself.

For his part, he joined Teach For America, a non-profit organization that teaches across the United States. During his 14-year teaching career, he has taught about 10,000 children. He also started writing books and saw dating as a way to find a life partner. (Editor's note: His life seems to be unfolding according to the "scenario" he saw in "The Book of Fate").

According to Ton Van - Epochtimes

Translated by Thanh Huong