Pope Francis’ Historic “Urbi et Orbi” 2020 Blessing Will Be Sent to Space Via Satellite

Pope Francis’ Historic “Urbi et Orbi” 2020 Blessing Will Be Sent to Space Via Satellite

Pope Francis historic Urbi et Orbi blessing will be sent into space with a satellite.

The Vatican reported that Pope Francis blessed the miniature “Spei Satelles” satellite that will travel through space and will contain a Nanobook bearing the Urbi et Orbi blessing of March 27, 2020.

Pope Francis’ words will reach space through the satellite, also known as “CubeSat,” which was built by the Polytechnic University of Turin and will be managed by the Italian Space Agency.

The Italian Space Agency will send the satellite into space aboard a Falcon 9 rocket from the Vandenberg Space Force Base in California on June 10.

Historic Message of Pope Francis will be sent to Space with a Satellite

The satellite was also nicknamed “Spei Satelles,” (Latin for “Satellite of Hope”), because its purpose is to proclaim the message of hope the Pontiff sent in the middle of the pandemic from St. Peter’s Square: “Lord, bless the world, give health to bodies and comfort to hearts. You ask us not to be afraid. But our faith is weak and we are fearful. But You, Lord, don’t leave us at the mercy of the storm.”

During the time it is in orbit, the satellite will broadcast the Pope’s message in English, Italian and Spanish. His path instead can be followed through the website speisatelles.org.

People can request their name on a chip carried by the satellite, but on one condition: a commitment to a fraternal action.

According to the website, “Spei Satelles” “will contain the names of those who, through a dedicated website, wanted to join this mission of hope by committing themselves to carry out an action of fraternity on earth.”

“During his stay in orbit, the small satellite will broadcast via radio signals short messages of hope taken from the Magisterium of various Popes, to signify the continuity in history of the message of the Church.”

Here’s an EWTN report of the news:

Click here if you cannot see the video above.

What do you think of the “Satellite of Hope“?