Man on “mission from God” as he sprints across highway to save woman

Man on “mission from God” as he sprints across highway to save woman

Adolfo Molina risked his life as he raced across the busy highway, and he hopes to inspire others.

Without a care for his own life, Adolfo Molina jumped into action when he realized a fellow highway driver was in distress.

In the heart-stopping video below from CBS Boston, Molina and his wife explain what happened when they were recently driving down I-93. According to the couple, Molina spotted a car driving bizarrely down the middle of the road.

The brave rescuer saw that something wasn’t right with the car driving slowly towards the railing. So Molina literally jumped out of his car and ran across four lanes of the highway to try and stop the other car, without a thought for his own life.

As Molina’s wife pointed out: “Something in his mind said go help. It was like a sign of God. God sent him to do that mission.”

As he approached the vehicle he could see that the woman was unconscious and slumped behind the wheel. Thankfully, as the car reached a divide in the road it came to a stop.

Although we’re not aware of what state the female driver is now in, Molina’s efforts are an example of how God often works through us to help others in distress. As for the brave hero, he hopes his death-defying actions will inspire others to be Good Samaritans.