Proclamation of the miracle of Pope John Paul I

Proclamation of the miracle of Pope John Paul I

The Church is about to have four new blesseds, including Pope John Paul I.

On October 13, 2021 with the approval of Pope Francis, Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, issued three decrees:

The first decree recognized a miracle through the intercession of the Servant of God John Paul I, colloquially known as Albino Luciano, Pope. He was born in 1912 and died on September 28, 1978, at the Vatican Apostolic Palace.

The miracle worker is a little girl in Buenos Aires, Argentina, with a serious brain disease, who miraculously recovered in 2011 thanks to relatives and faithful praying for Pope John Paul I's healing. The Ministry's doctors unanimously came to the conclusion that this cure could not be explained scientifically. Then, on May 6 of this year (2021), the Theological Commission of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints considered and issued a positive judgment. In the past few days, the cardinals and bishops who are members of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints have recognized this as the miracle of John Paul I and now the Pope has approved and published the decree.

The second decree recognizes the miracle of the Servant of God Maria Benenice Duque Hencker, born in 1898 in Colombia. Founding the Order of Little Sisters of the Annunciation. Died 1993 in Medellín, Colombia.

The third decree recognizes the martyrdom of two Servants of God, Pietro Ortiz de Zàrate, diocesan priest, and Jesuit Father John Antonio Solinas. They were murdered due to hatred of the faith on October 27, 1683, in Valle del Zenta, Argentina.

In addition, Cardinal Semeraro also published four decrees recognizing the heroic virtues of the four Servants of God, including Sister Madeline Jesus, founder of the Little Sisters of Jesus. She was born in 1898 in Paris, in France and died on 1989 in Rome.