Mom Offered Abortion 2 Days Before Birth for Down Syndrome Baby – Her Epic Response

Mom Offered Abortion 2 Days Before Birth for Down Syndrome Baby – Her Epic Response

Pray for the conversion of abortion advocates!

In a recently re-surfaced video, a mother shared her story about a doctor offering her an abortion just before the birth of her now-healthy Down syndrome child.

In the 2020 video recently published by Right To Life UK, the mother says the doctor offered the abortion at 38 weeks of pregnancy.

“She turned around and said to me, ‘You do know we still terminate babies with Down syndrome at 38 weeks?'”

Responding to her doctor, the mother said, ‘Well I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.'”

“I was completely blown away, shocked and disgusted,” the mother continued, looking at her now-healthy boy. “Here he is, Hector, and he is absolutely beautiful!”

The mother says the boy has a modeling career and he has “a lot of people who love him.”

“Nobody should be put in that category of being different,” she continued. “Because at the end of the day, we’re in 2020.”

Watch the moving video below:

Click here if you cannot see the post above.

Here’s how some users responded:

@JoyPrasad8, Twitter

One user commented, “How awful. He’s such an adorable child.”

@Ningkam7, Twitter

“Hector is absolutely gorgeous,” another user said. “Thank God little Hector is and will be transforming lives just by being himself.”

@vufan03, Twitter

This user added, “It is sick that anyone could defend this practice. He is a human being.”

@Augusti49348124, Twitter

Another user said, “Monstrous to suggest killing an innocent baby just before he was born. How can such callous people sleep at night. God bless him, his parents and all [Down syndrome] children.”

Say a prayer for all mothers considering abortion!