Benedict XVI's secretary cries as he discusses the health of the pope emeritus

During a ceremony for Benedict XVI's 95th birthday on June 18, his private secretary was moved to tears as he spoke of the pope emeritus' declining health and the memory of some significant discussions with him.

The scene was particularly moving. In front of a crowd gathered on June 18 at Nymphenburg Palace in Munich to celebrate the 95th birthday of Benedict XVI (born April 16), his private secretary, Archbishop Georg Gänswein, gave a speech lasting a few minutes. When discussing the state of health of the pope emeritus and some striking memories, the prelate could not hold back his tears.

"I would never have believed that the last part of the road between the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery and the gate of heaven of Saint Peter...  [the prelate, tilting his face, stops for several seconds and struggles to hide the emotion that overwhelms him … ] And St. Peter's Gate of Heaven would be so long,” he whispers in a quavering voice.

“The last few years have gotten the better of his strengths”
And to continue, taking out his handkerchief: “This is what Benedict XVI entrusted to me…. [pauses again for a moment, then resumes] … When we talked about the weight and distress of old ageand recurring criticisms of his person and his actions. It was a few years ago. Even after his resignation, Benedict XVI responded frankly and convincingly to the important questions and challenges of the time, always in the light of the Incarnation. And that was characteristic of him. It was there that he felt challenged. It's a requirement that he mastered brilliantly, willy-nilly, facing all the onslaught of the world until the most recent days. The supreme pastoral ministry was not only a burden for him, but also a joy to the soul. And this joy of the soul, he preserved it - beyond all the distresses and disappointments. She is like a light that accompanies her internally. »

Then the tears come back to him when he speaks more specifically of the failing health of Benedict XVI: “Meanwhile, the pope emeritus… [the archbishop tries as best he can to hold back his sobs and allows a few seconds of silence to pass] … became a very old man, physically fragile, but whose mind and gaze are, thank God, still as awake and brilliant. Even if his voice is increasingly weak and incomprehensible. The last few years have gotten the better of his strength. But despite his declining strength, he retained the humble serenity of his heart. As it once manifested itself perhaps most clearly in front of the whole world in the moments when it answered children's questions, always in a completely free and refreshing way. »

He concludes by saluting the humor and gentleness of this papal figure whom he knows and particularly admires: “His unalterable humor, enveloped in his personal gentleness which has always been the hallmark of his personality, is also very present. He rejoiced like a child when he was told about today's ceremony. And he asked me to send you all warm blessings. »

This is not the first time that Archbishop Georg Gansweïn has shown himself to be very moved in public. Already during the funeral of Benedict XVI's brother in 2020, he had read in a trembling voice the letter that the pope emeritus addressed to this deceased brother.
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