YouTube's Protestant star announces conversion to Catholicism

YouTube's Protestant star announces conversion to Catholicism

YouTube star Lizzie Estella Reezay has announced that she will convert to Catholicism.

She has more than 180,000 subscribers

In a video posted to her LizziesAnswers account, she explained: "I want people to know that I hate letting this happen. I fought so hard to come out of this intellectually. I don't want to be Catholic. Not only did I think Catholicism was wrong, I didn't like the Catholic vibe. I want to be a Catholic.”

However, she said she had no choice but to convert when she realized Catholicism was true.

Lizzie grew up a member of the Churches of Christ, a Protestant denomination that emerged  in  America in the 19th century. She started her YouTube channel at the age of 16 and has amassed a large following of over 43 million video views.

Despite her Protestant upbringing, in the past year, she has begun searching for Catholicism, posting videos like “10 Protestants make up stories about Catholicism! (from a Protestant)” and “Protestant visiting the Latin Mass! What I loved and hated.”

Then on Ash Wednesday this year, she posted a video saying she was converting.

She said reading the early Church Fathers had a particularly big impact on her and that she found the Church's teaching on the Real Presentation was more bible than she thought.