The touching Mass of ordination to the priesthood of Father Livinius, who died after 23 days of ordination

On Holy Thursday, April 1, 2021, the anniversary of the establishment of the priesthood by Jesus Christ, a moving and very special priestly ordination took place in Rome: Brother Livinius Esomchi Nnamani, 31 years old, Nigerian, belonging to the Order of the Mother of God, was ordained a priest at the Casilino hospital, where he is being treated for blood cancer. And after 23 days in the priesthood, Father Livinius returned to the Father's House. The story of Father Livinius is the story of a man who responded to a vocation.

Hong Shui - Vatican News

Priestly journey - sick journey

Brother Livinius joined the Congregation of the Mother of God in Owerri, Imo State, in eastern Nigeria. Not long after making his first vows, he was diagnosed with blood cancer. Two years ago, in 2019, he was sent to Italy to receive medical treatment and continue to study as a priest.

He fought against illness and at the same time continued his studies. Despite blood transfusions and grueling treatment, Brother Livinius continued his studies at the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquino, known as Angelicum College, and in September 2021 he made his full vows. life. But due to the worsening of his condition, he had to stay in the hospital for a long time. The desire to complete a training program as a priest seems unreal.

Touching priestly ordination Mass for Father Livinius Esomchi Nnamani

Mercy of the Holy Father

Therefore, Brother Livinius decided to write a letter to the Holy Father asking him to allow him to be ordained to the priesthood earlier. On April 31, which is Holy Wednesday, from the hospital where he was being treated, he wrote to the Holy Father. And he couldn't believe that within 24 hours his wish had come true.

Bishop Daniele Libanori, auxiliary bishop of the diocese of Rome, ordained Brother Livinius to the priesthood. He told Vatican Radio: “I heard about this young monk, who got sick and was hospitalized in Rome. His desire to become a priest requires specific permission. So I told his superior that he himself had to ask permission." The bishop said that just over an hour, less than two hours after Brother Livinius wrote the letter, the Holy Father gave Brother Livinius permission to receive the priesthood.

The next day, Holy Thursday, as Bishop Libanori was preparing to celebrate the Chrism Mass at St Peter's Basilica with the Pope, he was called to meet the Holy Father. In the sacristy, the Holy Father gave the bishop a letter authorizing the ordination of Brother Livinius to the priesthood.

Touching priestly ordination Mass for Father Livinius Esomchi Nnamani

Priestly Ordination Mass

Holy Thursday that day became an unforgettable day for the young monk Livinius. In the afternoon, at the hospital where he was being treated, a priestly ordination Mass took place. In his homily, Bishop Libanori told the new ordained: "This is a gift the Father wants to give me to sustain me in living the fullness of the challenge that He called me to accept." “As a priest, you will be united with Jesus to make your body an acceptable sacrifice to God. Indeed, our priesthood reaches its zenith when, with bread and wine, we know to give all of ourselves, what the Lord has given us, and our very lives.”

Bishop Libanori shared: “Brother Livinius is very happy, emotional, but also very trying in his illness. We celebrated Mass with solemn fervor and tried not to tire him too much. The teacher is happy with that. I think it was a very poignant moment.” The bishop has anointed Brother Livinius' hands with the holy oil that the Holy Father blessed in the morning."

“Many see the priesthood as a license to be able to celebrate the Sacraments to serve God's people. This is certainly important, but the priest is above all someone who is conformed to Christ.” The bishop told Father Livinius that he lived his priesthood both in the dedication of himself, in the illness. It weighs on me, it can even make me suffer, and it certainly prevents me from living my mission like so many other priests.But the only, authentic, great Mass that every Christian celebrates is Holy. Mass in which he sacrifices himself by living his daily life and when God wills his death to be united with Christ.Therefore, Father Livinius' priesthood was not impaired in his state of health. father, on the contrary it is elevated because it is clearer who the priest is.”

The priestly ordination Mass was celebrated in a hospital ward of the Casilino hospital. The faithful that Father Livinius first blessed were the doctors and nurses who always loved and cared for him. Present at his side were the monks of his Community of Campitelli and San Giovanni Leonardi of Torre Maura.

Touching priestly ordination Mass for Father Livinius Esomchi Nnamani

Going to Father's House

From that day on, Father Livinius used what little strength he had left to celebrate Mass from his bed. I have combined my sacrifice with that of Christ. I celebrated Mass until Wednesday, April 21, 2021, except April 22, 2021, due to worsening health conditions, I was unable to celebrate Mass. Realizing what was happening to him, Father Livinus asked for confession and received Holy Communion.

On the morning of April 23, 2021, the superior general and another priest of the same order of Father Livinius and a young man who was researching his vocation prayed the Divine Mercy Rosary beside him in the hospital. Soon after, at 11:10, Father Livinus took his last breath, 23 days after his ordination. My brothers and sisters have entrusted me to Our Lady with the prayer We hope .

Father Livinius' story is a reminder of another young monk, Salvatore Mellone, who moved Italy in 2015. Suffering from a malignant tumor, he was consecrated as a priest in the Archdiocese of Trani-Barletta. -Bisceglie two years ago. Pope Francis called Father Salvatore and said: "The first blessing you will give as a priest, please give it to me." The new priest kept his promise. He continued to celebrate Mass every day for the next two months before being called to his heavenly Father's House.
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