The Miracle has been assessed through the intercession of Blessed Titus Brandsma

The Miracle has been assessed through the intercession of Blessed Titus Brandsma

December 12, 2017 The Appraisal of the miracle through the intercession of Blessed Titus Brandsma was officially completed. The Closing Ceremony of the appraisal took place at the Diocese of Palm Beach Cathedral. Bishop Gerald Barbarito, Bishop of the Diocese of Palm Beach, presided over the closing ceremony. Present in the ceremony were Lm. Michael Kissane, O. Carm. Provincial of the Carmelites, Province of Elias, New York., Fr. Mario Esposito, O. Carm. In charge of the cause of canonization, Fr. Archimandrite Glen Pothier, Chief Justice and representative of the bishops' conference, Bishop Albert Dello Russo, director of advocacy for justice, Attorney Elizabeth Shields and Doctor Anthony Dardano, medical specialists.

Miracle attested through the healing of terminal cancer for Father Michael Driscoll, O.Carm. in 2004. Father Michael was diagnosed with terminal cancer, metastatic cancerous tumors that attacked his neck behind his ears and spread to other parts of his body. In some areas, cancer was diagnosed in the fourth and fifth stages, as a devotee of Blessed Titus Brandsma, he prayed to God for healing through Father Brandsma's intercession. Members of the Carmelite Order, parishioners at Saint Giuda Tadeo parish and friends from across the diocese also prayed for him.

Father Michael underwent surgery and many treatments that were sometimes harsh. But most of all Father Michael continued to pray, and he told everyone he met that he would “fight to the end”. His determination surprised many. Some asked him if he was afraid, and he replied casually, "I have nothing to fear because Blessed Titus takes care of me."

Doctors declared Michael's father's cancer now gone and they were amazed at his father's recovery. Dad's good health over the years has defied everything. The diocesan investigation is a meticulous process in which many medical experts, evidence is presented and witnesses are interviewed in depth. The appraisal involved many questions including the allegations and numerous documents. Now that the job is done, the information will be sent to the Vatican. If this is considered a miracle by the Vatican through the intercession of Blessed Brandsma and approved by Pope Francis, then Blessed Titus Brandsma will be canonized.

Blessed Titus Brandsma was born in the Netherlands in 1881. He entered the Carmelite order at a young age and was ordained a priest in 1905. He studied in Rome and received a doctorate in philosophy from the Catholic University. Gregorian emperor. After returning from Rome in 1930, he was appointed by the Dutch Episcopal Conference as a chaplain for the Catholic newspapers in the country. When the Nazis occupied the Netherlands, Brandsma encouraged newspapers to be independent and defend the rights and well-being of Catholics.

Brandsma's views on fascism were clear. Ever since he was a university professor, Brandsma has denounced Nazism as a "atheism" that threatens the world.

In 1941, as president of the Association of Catholic Schools, Brandsma spoke out against the Nazi government's ban on Catholic schools from accepting students of Jewish origin. In December 1941, the Nazis ordered Catholic newspapers to publish hymns glorifying the regime and Nazi propaganda. Brandsma went to the publishers and explained that it was impossible to please the occupying government.

In January 1942, Brandsma was taken into custody. After being brutally tortured, they took him to Dachau concentration camp. Despite the harsh torture, Brandsma did not lose heart. He comforted those in similar circumstances and exhorted them to pray diligently. “We are here walking in a dark tunnel,” he said. We must try to overcome. At the end of the tunnel will be a bright light that will shine forever. At the end of 1942 he was killed by poison. In 1985, Pope John Paul II beatified Titus Brandsma, the first Nazi victim to be officially declared a martyr.