A Kenyan priest has his cup suspended for performing rap music in a church

The priest was asked to "reconsider his ways" after using rap music to attract young people to church

A priest in Kenya has been suspended for misconduct after performing rap music in his church.

Father Paul Ogalo used rap music to attract young people to the Church and spread the message against drugs and advocating social justice issues.

After Mass, Father Fr Ogalo changed into his religious habit, put on a white shirt, black shorts and a red scarf, starting the rap dance for the community, everyone also danced to the music.

“We need to take care of the interests of young people in our churches,” he said. “We need to change the way we work.”


Church youth leader Violet Menya says not only have many young people come to church for the rap music, but they keep coming back. “We are very pleased with his preaching style, which is attracting many young people to come. Cathedral. He has mentored a lot of young people leaving… drug abuse and sticking to agriculture, business and other activities,” Menya said.

Benard Oketch, a 28-year-old member of the community, said he would stop attending ministry because he was suspended from priestly ministry.

“Father Paul is our mentor. He uses language that is easy for young people to understand,” said Oketch. “Father Fr Ogalo has saved thousands of teenagers” from drug abuse.

However, the bishops of the diocese have denied these practices, which they say are against Church doctrine.

Father Charles Kochiel, the judicial superintendent of Kisumu's interfaith court, said Father Fr Ogalo was suspended for a year to "reconsider his ways."

“There are many ways to do things,” said Father Fr Kochiel. “There are certain things that the Church encourages in society. If we mix…what is secular with the church doing, people will definitely read different messages.”

Proponents of the suspension argued that his actions were unscriptural and could not be justified through even publicity.

“People can see it from social points of view, like getting people on board, engaging and entertaining people. But people can also look at this from a spiritual point of view: Does it promote spiritual values ​​or is it sending the wrong message?” Father Fr Kochiel said.

Jos. Tu Lac, Nguyen Minh Son


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