Revealed: Miracle of Heaven & Purgatory from a Priest narrated when he died and came back to life

Father Jose Maniyangat is currently pastor of Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Parish in Macclenny, Florida.

Here is His testimony:

I was born on 16.07.1949 in Kerala, India. My parents are Joseph and Theresa Manuyangat. I am the eldest of 7 brothers: Jose, Maria, Theresa, Lissama, Zacharia, Valsa and Tom.

When I was 14 years old, I entered the Marian minor seminary in Thiruvalla to begin my religious studies as a priest. Four years later, I entered the Pontifical Saint Joseph Seminary in Alwaye, Kerala, to continue my training as a priest.

After completing seven years of philosophy and theology, I was ordained a priest on January 1, 1975, and became a missionary in the diocese of Thiruvalla.

Sunday, April 14, 1985, Feast of Divine Mercy, I was going to celebrate Mass at a mission church in North Kerala and had a fatal accident: I was riding a motorbike, when I was hit by a car. A jeep driven by a drunk man after a Hindu festival. I was rushed to a hospital about 35 miles away. On the way, my soul left my body and I experienced death. Immediately, I met my Guardian Angel. I saw my body and the people who brought me to the hospital. I heard them cry and pray for me. At that moment my angel said to me: "I have come to take you to heaven, Jesus wants to see you and talk to you". The angel also said that along the way He wanted to show me Hell and Purgatory.


First of all, the Angel escorted me to Hell. What a terrible sight! I saw Satan and the devil, an unquenchable fire about 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit, swarming insects, people screaming and struggling, others being tortured by demons. The angel told me that all this suffering was because of not having repented of mortal sins. Then I understood that there are seven or seven levels of suffering, depending on the number and types of mortal sins committed while on earth. The spirits look very ugly, ferocious and terrible. It was a terrifying experience. I see people I already know, but I'm not allowed to reveal their identities. The crimes for which they were sentenced were mainly abortion, euthanasia, hatred, unforgiveness, and sacrilege. The angel told me that if they had repented, they would have avoided going to hell and would have gone to purgatory instead. I also understand that some people, through repenting of these sins, were able to be purified while on earth by the sufferings they endured. This way they can avoid going to purgatory and go straight to heaven.

I was stunned to see both priests and bishops in hell, some of whom I never expected to see here. Many of them must be here, for they have misled the people with their false teaching and bad example.


After visiting Hell, my Guardian Angel escorted me to Purgatory. Here too, there are 7 levels of pain and fire that never goes out. But less heat than hell and no quarrels. The pain these souls must suffer is separation from God. Some of the people in purgatory committed many mortal sins, but they were reconciled to God before they died. Despite the pain, they enjoyed peace and knew that one day they would see the Lord face to face.

I had the opportunity to communicate with the souls in purgatory. They asked me to pray for them and tell everyone to pray for them too, so that they can go to heaven soon.

As we pray for these souls, we will receive their gratitude through their prayers and once they get to heaven, their prayers will become even more worthy.

It's hard for me to describe how beautiful my Guardian Angel is. He shines and shines. He is my faithful companion and helps me in all my ministries, especially healing. I experience His presence everywhere I go and I am grateful to Him for protecting me throughout my daily life.


Next, my angel escorted me to Heaven through a large bright white tunnel. I have never experienced such peace and joy in my life.

Heaven immediately opened and I heard the most mesmerizing music I had ever heard before. The angels sing and praise God. I saw all the saints, especially Mary and Joseph, and many holy bishops and priests twinkling like stars. And when I appeared before him, Jesus said to me: “I want you to come back to earth. In your second life, you will speak in a foreign language. Anything is possible for you with My grace…”. After these words, Mary said to me: “Do whatever He tells you. I will help you in your ministries.”

Words cannot describe the beauty of Heaven. There we find so much peace and happiness, beyond a million times our imagination.

Jesus is more beautiful than any image can describe. His face shines and shines and shines brighter than a thousand rising suns. The paintings we see in the world are only shadows of His majesty. Our Lady is next to Jesus. How beautiful and radiant she is. No image we see in the world can compare to the true beauty of Mother.

Heaven is our true home. We are all made to reach Heaven and have God forever. And then I returned to earth with my guardian angel.

While my body was in the hospital, the doctor completed all the tests and I was declared dead. The cause of death was blood loss. My family was informed and because they were far away, the hospital management decided to move my body to the morgue. Since the hospital did not have an air conditioner, they were concerned that my body would quickly decompose. When they moved my body to the morgue, my soul returned to my body. I felt a tremendous pain from the many wounds and broken bones. I started screaming. Then the people became frightened and shouted and ran away. One of the group approached the doctor and said: "The dead body is now screaming!". The doctor came to examine the body and found that I was still alive. So he said, "Father is still alive. This is a miracle! Let's take Dad back to the hospital."

Then, when I was brought back to the hospital, they gave me a blood transfusion and did surgery to repair my broken bones, places like my lower jaw, ribs, pelvis, wrist bones and right leg. After two months, I was discharged, but my chiropractor said I would never walk again. Then I said to him, "The Lord, who restored me to life and sent me back into the world, will heal me." When we got home, we all prayed for a miracle. After a month, when the bandages were removed, I could not move. But one day while I was praying, I felt an extraordinary pain in the pelvic area. After a short while, the pain disappeared completely and I heard a voice say to me: “You are well. Get up and walk!”. I feel peace and healing power in my body.

I informed the doctor that I was cured and he was shocked. “My God is the true God,” he said. I must follow the Father's God." The doctor is a Hindu. He asked me to teach him about the Church. After a period of faith study, I baptized him.

Following the teachings of the Guardian Angel, I came to the United States on November 10, 1986 as a missionary priest… Since June 6, 1999, I have been pastor of the Catholic Parish of Our Lady of Mercy, in Macclenny, Florida.


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