Rare: The statue of Our Lady is still intact after the forest fire of the century

A fire broke out at a military base near Madrid, destroying everything except a small statue of Our Lady and surrounding vegetation.

The fire took place at the El Goloso military base, near the Spanish capital, where the Guadarrama infantry brigade is based. According to several Spanish websites, including Infovaticana and Religión en Libertad, the fire broke out and spiraled out of control, consuming all the vegetation.

When the fire was extinguished, the firefighters were amazed to see in the midst of the ruins, a statue of Our Lady of Lourdes, completely undamaged. And even more shocking, when they saw that the grass around the statue was also unharmed by the fire, so were the flower branches in the vase with the Mother's glass, as if the fire had respected the space around the statue of Our Lady.

The fire took place on July 30, during the heat wave that enveloped Spain. Firefighters couldn't explain why the statue was unharmed, or why the flowers weren't even smoked or withered from the heat. This story quickly went viral on social media, some suspecting it to be a hoax, but further investigations cleared all doubts. In the picture, one can easily see that the ground is completely burned, except for the area around the statue.

In fact, most of the soldiers didn't even know that there was a statue of Our Lady in their garden. But a few people with a special reverence for Our Lady wanted to be in the presence of Our Lady of Lourdes. And the statue has been repeatedly venerated during official ceremonies at the base.

The government investigation seems to be sufficient to clarify the natural aspects of the event. There are realities that cannot be understood by human understanding, but which are explained by faith. Science and faith, working together to come up with an explanation for something.

Until now, this story shows the special protection of Our Lady for this simple and humble statue. And everyone can learn a lesson from this. Unexpected events can consume a world full of danger and evil.

In the near future, in the midst of catastrophes we cannot even imagine, Our Lady, will overcome this tribulation, fearless and unharmed, and with her the faithful faithful. glasses. And those who believe, even if they are a minority being rejected by the majority of atheists, will be recognized and kept as children of the Kingdom.


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