Was there a Eucharistic miracle in Poland?
The Archdiocese of Warsaw announced its investigation into an alleged Eucharistic miracle that occurred in the chapel of the Dobry Zakątek Retreat House in Konstancin-Jeziorna, Poland.
Polish news outlets reported that a priest celebrating Mass at the retreat house accidentally dropped a Eucharistic host on Sept. 10. Following proper liturgical protocol, the priest placed the host in a vessel to dissolve. Within a week, a red substance formed on the outside of the host.
Archdiocese of Warsaw spokesman Fr. Przemysław Śliwiński confirmed an investigation will take place. Authorities with the Warsaw Metropolitan Curia recently collected the consecrated host and placed it in a tabernacle until the diocese completes the investigation.
Here’s photos of the alleged miracle:

Proceeding with Caution
Fr. Śliwiński said that within the last 10 years, the Archdiocese of Warsaw investigated two similar reports of alleged Eucharistic miracles. Both contained “the presence of certain forms of mushrooms,” and were not deemed miracles.
“Past experiences dictate caution, discretion and silence, which in this case was unfortunately violated. The research carried out at that time ruled out the truth of the Eucharistic miracle, showing the presence of certain forms of mushrooms on both hosts tested at that time,” Fr. Śliwiński said.
“Let us remember that the greatest Eucharistic miracle, according to the Catholic faith, is every Holy Mass, during which bread becomes the Body of Christ.”
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