Concussion: Statues of God, Our Lady have just been "smashed" in a parish, the Holy Land is deeply offended

A Catholic Holy Land has just been demolished, the Statue of God, Our Lady is badly offended.

The loss of Father Joseph Tran Ngoc Thanh Op has not yet subsided, when many people believe that the perpetrator has religious enmity. Recently, it is heartbreaking and condemnable news - when once again the faith of Catholics in Vietnam has been attacked and insulted. On Facebook page of Mr. Nguyen Tran Hoang Van has just shared:

The familiar saying that every Vietnamese person, regardless of religion or not, reminds themselves and everyone to avoid insults to the Holy Spirit.

Even when walking along the road, meeting the roadside shrines of the unfortunate victims of traffic accidents, although it is not a place of worship, people still respect it.

Catholic Cemetery. Also known as the Holy Land to us Catholics. Compared to a sacred place like the Church. A place blessed by the Bishop. Because of the Christian Faith, this is the resting place of Catholics who have passed away after being Purified to go to Heaven to enjoy their Blessing, where their bodies The Saints that every November 1st. Happy Feast.
Don't think that the smasher is a lunatic, a psycho, an addict will not be punished when insulting the Saints... The culprit is probably not far away, there will be someone who knows who the suspect is. But because of fear, because: "It's okay as long as you don't destroy your house. When a fire spreads, if everyone is not worried about focusing on extinguishing the fire where it is burning. But just sitting at home waiting, protecting our house... until the big fire spread. It can't be saved anymore."

The French King Napoleon Bonaparte famously said: “The world is getting worse, not because of the cruelty of the bad guys, but because of the silence of the good people.”

Photo taken on Tuesday morning, February 15, 2022. At Long Thanh Parish Cemetery. =>> See photos here

Fb Nguyen Tran Hoang Van/


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