Priests celebrate Mass on the roof of the church for the whole neighborhood to see

Priests celebrate Mass on the roof of the church for the whole neighborhood to see

Italians have no shortage of initiative! On Sunday, March 15, four priests celebrated Mass on the roof of their church in Rome in front of hundreds of parishioners on balconies or behind screens.

Last Sunday, parishioners of the Quadraro-Don Bosco area in Rome were able to watch Mass despite being isolated! Four priests of the church of San Gabriele dell'Addolorata went to the roof of the church, placing the cross, the altar and the loudspeaker.

The priests said: "Layers can't leave the house to go, we priests can't leave the rectory, but no one stops us from going up to the roof to celebrate Mass." At first, the idea of ​​celebrating Mass on the roof was challenged by priests: “We do not announce that there will be an outdoor Mass. We joke around with this idea. And in the end we said, why not?"

Ringing bells and streaming

At first, the priests did not expect such a large community to respond because they posted on social networking sites: “The bell announced the start of the Mass. And then the streaming resumes. And so on the balcony, behind the window, behind the screen, several hundred people were able to watch the Mass, without breaking any quarantine laws!"

Mass on the roof of the church!

Please watch the video here!