Police arrest, drag Franciscan priest out of New York abortion facility

Police arrest, drag Franciscan priest out of New York abortion facility

Francis Friar Fr. Fidelis Moscinski, was arrested and dragged from an abortion facility on Saturday, November 27 in White Plains, New York during a Red Rose Rescue operation. The clinic kills babies 24 weeks in the womb.

Police arrested the priest and two others for counseling and praying for women inside an abortion clinic. Some sidewalk counselors remain outside the facility.

Red Rose Rescue said in a press release that three people inside the abortion clinic "have prayed, counseled mothers, and been in dialogue with staff (and police) inside the abortion facility for over a year." two hours. "

Will Goodman, one of the men arrested, said: “We stayed inside the building to be staunch advocates for mothers and their unborn babies. "In conscience, we cannot leave while innocent people are being harmed."

The campaign explains that the individuals arrested have been "released unharmed".

Their court date is set for December 13, the same day that the Archdiocese of New York celebrates the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, patron saint of the unborn.

The group also said that about "seven mothers entered the facility during the rescue. Everyone is given compassionate advice on life. One mother freely chose to leave the morgue, and was left in tears as she left. This young mother was offered help and did not return to the morgue.”

Văn Sang / Conggiao.vn