After the Tornado – Two Babies Found Alive in Bathtub With Bibles

After the Tornado – Two Babies Found Alive in Bathtub With Bibles

The stories continue to appear after several days in which several tornadoes hit much of the US ; this one in particular glorifies God for protecting two babies in a bathtub.

Babies survived the tornado in the US in a bathtub, their grandmother glorifies God for the miracle
Photos: Daily Mail.
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In Kentucky , Clara Lutz was taking care of her two grandchildren, two small babies aged 1 year and three months old; little Kaden and Dallas were protected by their grandmother when the tornado began to rage against the community in which they live.

With pillows, blankets, and a Bible, the babies were put by their grandmother in a bathtub so they wouldn't be hurt by the tornadoes, but the winds were so strong that the entire house was destroyed and the little ones flew out from the force of the natural event.

Then, the unthinkable happened: the tornado struck and blew their house to the ground, sending the bathtub, and their grandchildren, flying.

She without being able to do anything, saw how her two grandchildren went through the air and she could no longer contain the force of keeping them with her; The moment for Mrs. Clara was devastating, since she did not know if her grandchildren were alive.

“I felt the noise, I felt the shaking of the house. The next thing I knew, the tub had risen up and was out of my hands. I couldn't take it," she said, her face full of tears.

The grandmother, unable to find the babies, clung to faith in the midst of fear and begged God to protect them, as she desperately searched for the bathtub.

But clinging to faith, she began searching for her little ones in the midst of the destruction around her, praying to God that the babies would be safe.

“I had no idea where these babies were. All I could say was, 'Lord, please bring my babies to me safely. Please, I beg you,'” she expressed of the moment.

A moment later and with the help of the police, the bathtub was found upside down in the garden of the house; when she was turned over, both little ones were there and although Dallas had a cerebral hemorrhage, she was able to heal and recover very quickly.

The local media outlet WKRC-TV said that at the moment, everyone is fine, both the grandmother and her two grandchildren.

Mrs. Clara has testified for the local media that she glorifies God for keeping her grandchildren alive.

In addition to her, other stories of faith are known as a result of this tragedy that mainly covered Kentucky ; Several days ago it became known that a couple was saved from the damage caused by the tornado after they both prayed through a phone call.

The hand of God is present at all times although sometimes believers cannot see it, and even more so in these cases the grace and mercy of the Lord is shown in favor of his children.