The heroic altar boy sacrificed his life to save his classmates...

The heroic altar boy sacrificed his life to save his classmates...


The incident happened at 13:53 - local time - Tuesday, May 7, 2019 at a STEM high school in Highlands, Denver, USA ... The two perpetrators entered the school carrying five pistols and a submachine gun. automatically…Which means – without the courage of 18-year-old Acolyte KendrichRay Castillo, the death toll and casualties would have been much greater…

Fuente: White House Report

However, as soon as the class was threatened, Kendrich rushed into the killer Devon Erickson and cornered him in the corner of the room so that his classmates had enough time to hide and run out…During the struggle, Devon Erickson exploded. gun…and Kendrich Castillo was hit…He collapsed dead with just three days left of high school…

On May 9, 2019, the Bishops of the United States honored Kendrich Ray Castillo, the 18-year-old acolyte of Notre Dame Cathedral of Denver, USA…

The writer also wants to take this opportunity to "remember" a small but very meaningful organization that the previous parishes have been quite successful with: it is the celebration of the Nativity - or roughly, the altar boys - with the another name "beautiful like an angel": "Children of the Holy Palace", "Children of the Altar"… It can be said that many dignitaries in the Church as well as religious orders come from small organizations and This goodness…

The writer himself when he was still in elementary school was also an altar boy…with many joys and sorrows of that cute age… Glad to have played a special role with well-trained gestures and rituals. carefully when staying near the Altar and helping the Priest with the preparation of the gifts… Sad because of the times of playfulness, forgetting the duty…

Kendrick Castillo, el chico que recordaremos por salvar a sus compañeros en  el tiroteo de Colorado - RadioHouse

Remember that at the time at the city cinema was showing the movie "Natra butchered" telling the story of how Natra in Phong Than Dien Nghia beat to death son Ao Binh (Third Crown Prince) of Dong Hai Long Vuong...Ly Tinh's family was murdered. The Four Seas Dragon King captured and pressured Natra to pay for her life…

In order to keep her filial piety and not involve her family, Natra peeled the meat back to her mother, and returned the bones to her father... The scene of peeling meat and bones was what made the altar boy both afraid and like to watch... so we asked each other to hide... It was too late to return to the rectory... had to find a way to go to the kitchen to sleep... and then the next morning to the altar with cinderella and rice husks!!!

Fuente: PeopleOnce upon a time - in the 90s - when I was still working in the parish ministry, celebrating Christmas was also an object of great interest to the writer… In addition to the children being assigned to help with Sunday and weekday Mass, one They still have two evenings of cultural enrichment as well as cloning a week... They take notes, study and return assignments seriously...

Later, when the children grew up, rushed into life with three pieces of rice and clothes, sometimes having the opportunity to gather together, they always expressed gratitude for the lessons learned when they were altar boys. At the Parish…Those lessons have helped them know how to live with business partners that cause a lot of sympathy… The couple succeeds in their studies and knows how to run a righteous, respectable business. …

However, through the years of the 2000s and later…the small, cute organization was in crisis…Perhaps due to the following reasons:

– The work of the children at school is too much and too heavy… This is a story that seems more and more unending with the scandals in the education industry…which everyone knows is when the system cannot be stabilized. education… it means an increase in social disorder…

– The means of entertainment are increasing and many tricks are exploited to attract all genders – especially young people and children… The writer sometimes falls into a certain program for children on TV and very surprised with the style of organizing the program as well as the amusing reflexes that are not serious at all of the organizers and hosts…

– The programs, the movies, the stories that are staged and shown on the big and small screens – especially through smartphones – are too many…and have no educational ideas at all, on the contrary, just Since then, the children - and even the parents - have also become accustomed to the speech patterns, the expressionless and lack of style formulas...

– The natural space is no longer available…All have been put into operation to make a profit… Therefore, the amusement parks are designed grandly and aim to stimulate the children's win/lose instinct, creating Therefore, children like to take risks, but have no soul, no mind, and do not enjoy the peace of heaven and earth, the wide life, the high mountains...

JT Lewis on Twitter: "Kendrick Castillo died saving his classmates in the STEM shooting. Kendrick Castillo Kendrick Castillo Kendrick Castillo Kendrick Castillo Kendrick Castillo Kendrick Castillo Spread the name of the hero,

Back to "International Children's Day - 1/6" : this is an initiative created in 1949 by the International Federation of Democratic Women to remember hundreds of children who were murdered by the Nazis, and at the same time It is also to call on governments around the world to take responsibility for the lives of children in their own countries and in the world, reduce military budgets to increase education budgets, protect and taking care of teenagers and children…

Vietnam is the first country in Asia and the second in the world to ratify the Convention on the Rights of the Child – the first international legal document to comprehensively address children's rights based on the principle that the child has the right to special care, protection and assistance…Almost always Vietnam seems to be willing to participate in all international activities on many kinds of human rights…In fact, the constructions of restaurants, hotels, amusement parks. , resort ... always superior to schools, clinics... The writer himself has been here for four years, and every year like that: whenever he listens to a loudspeaker mounted on a honda, the village is a group. Some animal circus is about to perform… then I know that International Children's Day - the "new year" day of teenagers and children - is coming...

Acolyte Kendrich Ray Castillo – 18 year old acolyte – known as a jovial teenager, likes to make jokes and helps the elderly… Mr. John – Kendrich's father – witnessed the shootings. in school happened here, there, knowing your son's temperament, he used to advise him: "You don't have to be a hero" - but Kendrich once answered his father: "I raised you to be a good person. . That's what I'm doing.”… Certainly, the years of being close to the Word of God, diligently accepting the Body and Blood of a Holy Table teenager also allowed Kendrich to dare to face violence in order to survive. bring peace to his friends… It is also an impulse to make an effort to have a direction for the parishes to organize their own Birth – Children of the Holy Temple – Children of the Altar…

During the Memorial of the Acolyte Kendrich Ray Castillo, a student said:

I would like to read the following passage from the Bible: “Light shines in darkness, and darkness does not destroy light.” (Jn 1:5)…No matter what has happened, you still have a light that God wants you to shine…

Pray with me,

Heavenly Father, we thank you for giving us this moment. Lord, our hearts are broken. There is so much frustration, so much anger, and so many questions swirling in this room, at this moment…But we believe it's not a matter of fighting against each other, for what we want. is fighting together to make a difference

Lord, our light is brighter than the darkness of this world and when we add a ray of light together, it will shine brighter…and brighter…And God be with us in this time. this essential point. May God be with us when we need you so much. May You appear in the midst of troubles…Lord, we thank You that You love us so much… Be with us today – tomorrow – and always, because – Lord – we need You. Amen.

Father Joseph Ngo Manh Diep.

Source: Conggiao.vn