Learn about: Is "cohabiting" before marriage a crime?


Question: Father, I would like to ask: we both love each other very much and want to get married. And the two of us did not meet any canonical and civil law obstacles. But the parents of both sides still do not agree for us to get married. We have chosen to register our marriage in accordance with the civil law. But in front of the Church, we have not been married in the church. We are living together. Father, is that a crime? We were not approved for marriage because the man was not satisfied when I was infected with hepatitis B. Thank you.

Answer: Canon 1055 canon:

(1) By the matrimonial covenant, man and woman form together a life-long communion. By its very nature, the marriage covenant is geared towards the good of the couple and the procreation and upbringing of children. Christ elevated the marriage covenant between the baptized to the rank of a sacrament.

(2) Therefore, between baptized persons, there cannot be an effective marriage contract if it is not at the same time a sacrament.

Therefore, when two Christian men and women live together, an effective contract is required, and that is only possible when both celebrate that covenant according to the Christian rite so that it becomes a Sacrament. .

As a result, she and her husband are in a state of illegitimate marriage, and often referred to as entanglement, and she and her husband cannot go to confession until this illegality is eliminated. You can legalize your marriage by going to the parish priest where you live, presenting it to him, and he will help you.

Her case is not too difficult, because as she said, she and her husband do not have any obstacles in terms of canon law and civil law.

According to Canon Law, her hepatitis B infection does not constitute an impediment to her marriage, furthermore, her husband was aware of her illness and accepted it. She should carry out the marriage legalization procedure so that the faith life is not disadvantaged, and the couple's life together is blessed by God.

In married life, one of the things that cannot be ignored is that the parents on both sides, if they agree, it would be a good thing for the couple, but their consent does not affect the husband and wife. the valid elements of the sacrament of marriage.

The main thing is the consent of the husband and wife. The sacramental rite of marriage does not ask if you have parental consent, but asks if you are completely free and not forced.

In my opinion, Catholic parents are often more concerned with the salvation of their children, so you and your husband should not give up, and with the help of the parish priest, perhaps you and your wife will receive a consent of her parents for her and her husband to proceed to legalize the marriage in order to take care of the salvation of the couple and their children.

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