Despite the terrible tornado, the statue of the Virgin Mary still stands

Despite the terrible tornado, the statue of the Virgin Mary still stands

A strange phenomenon is being reported in the American media. Catholic News, or CNA for short, reported on this story in a report titled “Despite Kentucky tornadoes, Virgin Mary statue still stands—and Catholics offer help,” which means “Despite the tornado in Kentucky, the Virgin Mary still stands — and Catholics offer to help.”

Tượng Đức Mẹ vẫn đứng vững trong cơn lốc xoáy và bão tố, mọi thứ chung quanh tan tành
The statue of Our Lady is still standing in the tornado and storm, everything around is shattered

We invite you and your brothers and sisters to follow the translation into Vietnamese.

Deadly storms that hit nine states in the Midwest and Southern United States have shown a statue of the Virgin Mary and the Child Jesus, seemingly intact, outside the damaged building. damage of the Resurrection Catholic Church.

Tina Casey, director of communications for the Diocese of Owensboro, told CNA December 13, "the statue is still standing, although the windows and doors are blown out and the roof is gone."

A photograph of the statue published by the Evansville Courier & Press shows the statue outside the Dawson Springs church building, which was much more damaged.

“This church will probably be considered utter damage,” Casey said. Among other Catholic churches in the diocese, the parish church of St. Joseph in Mayfield also suffered significant damage.

A series of storms and tornadoes lashed through nine states, including Kentucky, Arkansas, Illinois, Missouri and Tennessee, late Friday and early Saturday morning. The western Kentucky region has been hardest hit, with 74 confirmed deaths as of Monday. Northeast Arkansas, southeast Missouri and northwest Tennessee were also heavily damaged.

Taking all affected states together, the total confirmed death toll is 87, making the storm one of the deadliest hurricanes in US history, according to the Washington Post.

Tượng Đức Mẹ vẫn đứng vững trong cơn lốc xoáy và bão tố, mọi thứ chung quanh tan tành
The statue of Our Lady is still standing in the tornado and storm, everything around is shattered

Bishop William Medley, Bishop Owensboro, leader of the Catholic diocese of western Kentucky said:

“Although God alone can heal the broken hearts of those who have lost loved ones, I appreciate the strong support that has come to us from all over the country and the world,” said Bishop. Medley said in a statement to CNA. “Several bishops have informed me that they are asking parishes in the diocese to open a fundraiser for the victims of the tornado. We received a written message from Pope Francis and he even mentioned Kentucky by name and asked for prayer during the Angelus last Sunday afternoon in St. Peter's Square. We know that when we are one in Christ, we are never alone.”

Casey told CNA that donations to local relief efforts are being made through the diocese's Catholic charities office.

“Currently, donations are being accepted online at the address below: https://owensborodiionary.org/give as Tornado Relief – Catholic Charities,” she said.

Parishes in the Diocese of Owensboro held a special fundraiser during Masses over the weekend to assist those affected or displaced by tornadoes and hurricanes.

Archbishop José Gomez of Los Angeles, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, and Archbishop Paul Coakley of Oklahoma City, chair of the Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development, called Catholics help those affected by supporting the work of Catholic Charities of America.

On Sunday, Pope Francis spoke after reciting the Sunday noon Angelus to express his closeness to the victims of tornadoes and hurricanes.