Bracia bliźniacy zostali księżmi! "Chcemy dzielić się Bogiem z innymi”

Bracia bliźniacy zostali księżmi! "Chcemy dzielić się Bogiem z innymi”


Fathers Łukasz and Tomasz say that many people find it difficult to recognize them, and the difference between them is mainly in their personalities! As the saying goes, a twin brother - and walking down the same path of life - is a great support.

In Poland, eighty twins are born once. It's not regular! And even less often, twins become priests! This unusual situation happened a few days ago in the diocese of Kielce. Łukasz Chowaniec and Tomasz Chowaniec were ordained priests on the same day! As they say, "they wanted to share God with others."

This dual vocation is born in brothers in a family atmosphere, because it is their parents who have passed on to them a living faith. They prayed the Rosary together and went to church together. The brothers are also altar boys and oases - they also shape their characters in these places.

They acknowledge that their vocation is shaped in stages, and that the communities to which they belong are the next stops on their spiritual path. The path they decided to continue together in theological seminary.

They had the support of their parents. Although they are only children, their father and mother have never interfered with their calling. They keep saying that if they're happy, so are their parents.

Fathers Łukasz and Tomasz say that many people find it difficult to recognize them, and the difference between them is mainly in their personalities! As the saying goes, a twin brother - and walking down the same path of life - is a great support. "You are never really alone," they told the dicezja.kielce.pl portal.

As they add, their decision to enter the seminary is independent. The first is Łukasz - he talked about it in high school. In Tomasz's mind, this idea only began to sprout in his senior year of high school. They said: “It also shows that although we are so similar that we grew up in the same environment, each of us is different.

May 29 this year. The two brothers were ordained priests together. They also plan to celebrate their first mass together. As it is said, "such twin primates show more than that that God really has no respect for man."

Source: diecezja.kielce.pl