Did Elon Musk Become a Christian? Jesus Has “Great Wisdom,” Tesla CEO Says – Watch the Video!

This is amazing! 🙌

Tesla and SpaceX co-founder and CEO Elon Musk sat down with the Christian satire website The Babylon Bee for a podcast.

Musk joined Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon, Editor-in-Chief Kyle Mann, and Creative Director Ethan Nicolle to discuss many issues, including Jesus and His teachings.

Musk reveals he was baptized in the Anglican Church as a child. He eventually agrees to accept Jesus as his Savior.

Ethan Nicolle asks Musk, “We’re wondering if you could do us a quick solid and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior?

Musk responds, “I agree with the principles that Jesus advocated, and that there is great wisdom in the teachings of Jesus, and I agree with those teachings.

“Things like ‘turn the other cheek’ are very important…as ‘opposed to an eye for an eye.’ An eye for an eye leaves everyone blind. So forgiveness, you know, is important, and treating people as you would wish to be treated,” Musk says. “Love they neighbor as thyself. Very important.”
[See also: Follow ChurchPOP on Truth Social!]

Nicolle then asks, “So that’s a 60 to 70 percent yes?”

“As Einstein would say,” Musk continues, “‘I believe in the God of Spinoza,’ but hey, if Jesus is saving people, I won’t stand in His way. I hope He’s true. I’ll be saved. Why not?”

“I always wanted to get saved,” he concludes. “Sounds good.”

Here’s the video below:

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What do you think of Musk’s answer?

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